Music from William Duane Clark, David Nevue, and Carlos Torres

Hey Ya’ll –

Welcome to the latest edition of the “Highest Praise Worship Podcast”, sponsored by Highest Praise Productions, Inc. and Worship International.


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Highest Praise Worship Podcast

If you’re listening, please don’t forget to leave a COMMENT below (if no comments have been left yet, please be the first!) … let us know who you are, where you are from, and what you think of the music.

Today’s Podcast includes:

Play Button for The Highest Praise Worship Podcast
* Welcome by Fred McKinnon: in the background, enjoy some incredible percussion and woodwinds by Carlos Torres, a talented percussionist and woodwinds artist, and more importantly, a serious worshiper! (more of Carlos’ music will be featured soon)

* “I Will Lift Up” by William Duane Clark: this has always been one of the most popular praise songs published by HPP, and last time we checked it was still in the CCLI Top 1000 of all songs. You can download this song’s leadsheet, overhead master, lyrics, and other support files in the Highest Praise “Music & Media” section.

Restoration - William Duane Clark
(purchase the “Restoration” CD by William Duane Clark, featuring “I Will Lift Up”)

* The Vigil – Film Version by David Nevue: this is an awesome “sneak peak” of the film version of David Nevue’s solo piano composition, “The Vigil”. The orchestration was done by Jace Vek ( David is a talented composer and pianist and worships God. His music is very stirring and you’ll enjoy it!
(visit David’s site at | visit his blog at
David Nevue - The Vigil CD
(purchase “The Vigil” by David Nevue at InstrumentalWorship.Com (note: this is the solo piano version on CD – the orchestral version in this podcast has not yet been released).

Well, hope you enjoyed the podcast. I look forward to many more – and check out the comments from listeners on the other posts!

Finally – if you are blessed by this podcast, consider purchasing the CD’s from our stores, or you can also make a tax-deductible donation through Worship International, Inc.


Help support our podcast with a tax-deductible donation to Worship International, Inc., the ministry behind this podcast.

Thanks for listening – please sign the comments below – let us know who you are, where you are from, and how you liked the music.

For the Kingdom,
Fred F. McKinnon
Founder of Highest Praise Productions, Inc.
Founder of Worship International, Inc.
(my personal blog site)


13 responses to “Music from William Duane Clark, David Nevue, and Carlos Torres”

  1. Hi, I’m from Miami receiving your podcasts with iTunes.

    Thanks for providing this.

    I only have a comment about the quality.

    The quality of your voice and the background music is quite clear.

    However, when Fred is speaking, there is a popping sound that is very distracting. This “popping” sound comes and goes. During the 1st song that “popping” sound comes in loud and clear, especially in the beginning of that song. Then it sort of goes away for awhile, but it does come back.

    Just something for you to look into. Thanks again.

  2. Hey there from Miami!
    Thanks for the comments – glad you’re worshiping with us in the sunny south!

    I’ve listened to the podcast several times, and now I’m listening with studio headphones very carefully – I’m not hearing that popping .. not sure what you may be hearing? Does anyone else hear the popping?

    thanks for letting us know!
    For the Kingdom,

  3. Songyan Sui Avatar
    Songyan Sui

    Hi Fred,

    Thank you for mentioning me and my comments in the second podcast. I am still listening and still belive it is great.

    Regarding the poppings, I can hear a few of then in this edition with my Sony monitoring headphones. But comparing to the sound quality of the whole programms, that is nothing.

    Thank you for your great work. God bless you.


  4. Hi Fred,

    If it’s not too late, could you, on the web site and in the podcast, indicate that the orchestration for “The Vigil” is by Jace Vek? He deserves credit for the great work he did orchestrating The Vigil! His web site is . He’s an amazing composer.


    David Nevue

  5. Brandon Berg Avatar
    Brandon Berg

    I am originally from a small town in Idaho, but now reside in Portland , Oregon. It is difficult to find a church quite like your home church and with my job I am out of town quite a bit on the weekends and have yet to find that good match for me and a church in Portland. I have been missing my worship time and it has been wearing on my heart quite heavily. I am very glad that I found your podcast – it reminds me of home and I am able to enter in a time of worship with your program.

    One thing I have not found looking at different podcasts is a church podcasting their entire service. I have found many that will podcast the sermon. I would love it if you would podcast your worship service and sermons too.

    Thanks for spreading the good word.


  6. Brandon W. Berg Avatar
    Brandon W. Berg

    I am originally from a small town in Idaho, but now reside in Portland , Oregon. It is difficult to find a church quite like your home church and with my job I am out of town quite a bit on the weekends and have yet to find that good match for me and a church in Portland. I have been missing my worship time and it has been wearing on my heart quite heavily. I am very glad that I found your podcast – it reminds me of home and I am able to enter in a time of worship with your program.

    One thing I have not found looking at different podcasts is a church podcasting their entire service. I have found many that will podcast the sermon. I would love it if you would podcast your worship service and sermons too.

    Thanks for spreading the good word.


    Sorry if this posts twice…was having difficulties.

  7. i’m listening from singapore. n i love the songs. praise lord for all the good things that are happening here and god bless you!

  8. Brian Daniel Avatar
    Brian Daniel

    Hi Fred!

    Another amazing podcast. David’s instrumental piece is awesome. I only wish it were longer!!! I also enjoyed your piano piece on the previous podcast. Be sure to keep them rolling. I find myself logging on everyday just to see if you have a new one. For me, its kind of like the prize in the bottom of the cereal box. As a kid, my Mom never would let me dig my hands down in there to get it… I just had to wait for that one morning when it would pour into my cereal bowl all on its own. Your podcast is now my morning cereal box treat! So, keep them coming!!! Can’t wait for the next one.

    Your Bro In Christ,
    Brian Daniel
    Atlanta, GA

  9. John and Kimberly Avatar
    John and Kimberly

    Hi there,

    My wife asked for some inspirational podcasts and we chose this one and we are glad we did!

    We are from western Washington State.

    We look for more of your podcasts! Keep up the great work and may God bless your work!

  10. John and Kim Avatar
    John and Kim

    Hi there,

    My wife asked for some inspirational podcasts and we chose this one and we are glad we did!

    We are from western Washington State.

    We look for more of your podcasts! Keep up the great work and may God bless your work!

  11. Tim Andrew Avatar
    Tim Andrew

    Hey..this podcast is great….i’m new to this & this Gospel Podcast is awesome….keep it up & thanks a LOT….

  12. Tonie A. Edwards Avatar
    Tonie A. Edwards

    Just awesome!!! The IPODCAST is so neat and to here the worship of GOD in your ear. This provides and overview of the IPODCAST praise & worship that can reach the nation. Thanks for encouraging my heart and conditioning my mind. Love always YBIC (Your Brother In Christ) Tonie
    (Also, I would like to play the Keyboard (piano) please help me out to fulfill my desire to play for GOD. Thanks for the encouragement and Gods speed.


    Dear GOD:
    I want to thank You for what you have already done. I am not going to wait until I see results or receive rewards, I am thanking you right now I am not going to wait until I feel better or things look better, I am thanking you right now I am not going to wait until people say they are sorry or until they stop talking about me, I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until the pain in my body disappears; I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until my financial situation improves; I am going to thank you right now. I am not going to wait until the children are! Asleep and the house is quiet, I am going to thank you right now. I am not going to wait until I get promoted at work or until I get the job, I am going to thank you right now. I am not going to wait until I understand every experience in my life that has caused me pain or grief; I am going to thank you right now. I am not going to wait until the journey gets easier or the challenges are removed. I am thanking you right now. I am thanking you because I am alive. I am thanking you because I made it through the day’s difficulties. I am thanking you because I have walked around the obstacles.
    I am thanking you because I have the ability and the opportunity to do more
    and do better.

    I’m thanking you because FATHER, YOU haven’t given up on me.

    God is just so good and he’s good all the time.

  13. Amanda Little Avatar
    Amanda Little

    I think what you guys are doing is great. I live in Calabash, NC – just outside of Myrtle Beach, SC. I absolutely love the music – For a long time in my life, I was running from God. For the past year, I have changed my whole way of thinking, doing and loving. I know one day I will be called to “do something” with the ministry . . . It’s so nice what you all are doing – The Lord is GOOD!

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