Download Free Everyday Ordinary Liturgy From A Movable Feast by Terry Timm


Over on The Worship Community, we just reviewed and featured a great book on worship by Terry Timm called A Movable Feast: Worship for The Other Six Days. Here is an excerpt from this great resource called An Everyday Ordinary Liturgy.

“I have taken six common elements of corporate worship, reframed them, and shared some ideas that help me take my worship beyond the walls of the sanctuary and into the world. Try these practices on for size. Feel free to edit and adapt them as you see fit, or set them aside completely and try something different. Whatever you do, ask the Spirit of God today to help you do the work of worship in the places you live, learn, work, serve, and play.” – Terry Timm


An Everyday Liturgy (PDF excerpt from A Movable Feast)

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