Free Music: Gentle Shepherd from The Cabin Fever Recordings by The Americana Congregation


Gentle Shepherd is a beautifully sweet, devotional song that features Marie Barnett (writer of Breathe,) on vocals. The song (as all songs on this recording) are driven by a raw and authentic Americana feel. Lots of guitars and beautiful harmonies. This is a beautiful song and we highly recommend it for personal devotional listening, and it could easily be adapted for congregational singing!

The Cabin Fever Recordings:

Early in 20014 a group of friends got together at John & Marie Barnett’s place in Montana to record a collection of songs they had been working on for some time. Coming from places such as Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky and California, they were locked away for several days putting down the tracks of what was to be known as the “Cabin Fever Recordings.”

The idea for The Americana Congregation came about as a group of friends were discussing the idea for a collective place to share and experience our unique musical styles, influences, thoughts, ideas, plans and general mischief.

A place for those outside of the “norm” of the industrial church music machine where style, lyrics and context can be explored, encouraged and enjoyed as we journey off the paved road and follow the path of most resistance.


Download Gentle Shepherd mp3 | Buy The Cabin Fever Recordings on iTunes

Website: The Americana Congregation


2 responses to “Free Music: Gentle Shepherd from The Cabin Fever Recordings by The Americana Congregation”

  1. […] We’re featuring a free song from The Cabin Fever Recordings over on today. […]

  2. this is lovely. more aniointing in jesus name. Your oil will never run down.

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