Featured Resource – TheWorshipCommunity.Com


TheWorshipCommunity.Com (TWC) is our current Featured Resource.  This site is part of the “Highest Praise Productions” family and is geared to those who are involved in worship and tech ministry leadership in the local churches. TheWorshipCommunity.Com is a grass-roots community of worship leaders, artists, singers, musicians, and technicians from all over the world.

“Version 1″ of TWC launched with public forums for discussions about worship, technology, songs, and planning.  “Version 2″ of TWC launched in July 2008 with the new “e-zine” format including articles, how-to, reviews, featured videos, and interactive discussions.

One of the things that sets TheWorshipCommunity.Com apart is the grass-roots nature of the content.  Our articles are written by contributors all over the world who are “in the trenches” …. leading worship in small, medium, and large churches.  We combine exclusive content with re-published articles from what we discover as “the best of” from worship and ministry-related blogs, discussion forums, and resources.

Visit TheWorshipCommunity.Com and subscribe to the relevant articles and jump in the forum discussions today!


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