[15] Highest Praise Worship and Ministry

Welcome to Episode #15 of the Highest Praise Worship Podcast.
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The Highest Praise Worship Podcast is produced by Highest Praise Productions, Inc. in association with Worship International, Inc., a non-profit corporation whose mission is “to advance true worship throughout the world …”.

Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to Worship International, Inc. to help us cover the costs and time of licensing, producing, and hosting this podcast.

Contact: please leave your testimonies and comments below by clicking the “Comments” link.

The Show

Today’s episode is pure worship and ministry. It’s a simple time of prayer, reflection, encouragement, and spontaneous worship singing. I was blessed to have Mrs. Lori Nichols, one of the singers on my praise team at church join me this morning.
For the Kingdom,


6 responses to “[15] Highest Praise Worship and Ministry”

  1. Don Wortham Avatar
    Don Wortham

    Long Time between Podcasts for me! I enjoyed this one so much! Gives me an opportunity to just “draw near” as John Bevere says in his book. Who is singing beside you? Sounds like a female voice to me. Have a brand new tunable low D Overton Whistle. I played along with the “ground bass” sustained low E you play on keyboards. Just seems to go on forever! What an effect! Love it!
    Midland, Texas

  2. Really glad to have a new opisode from you Fred… In lieu of a new podcast, I’ve been replaying the last couple minutes of the one from February 24th that closes with “I Love You Lord.” Good stuff. = )

    Anyway… Thanks for taking the time to do this. It is appreciated.

    1 Peter 3:18
    “For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.”

  3. hi fred…

    as always – what a blessing your podcast is!

    show number 15 was just what i needed – i worshiped with you all the way into work yesterday morning…

    thank you!

    blessings friend!

    david guion
    San Antonio, Texas

  4. Thank you for this podcast!!!
    I am a missionary in Japan. i have been in a dry and discouraged place for a few weeks. As I prayed the confession prayer with you, the Holy Spirit landed on me and I was a ble to confess thingd that I wasn’t aware that were there. These were the “road blocks”
    So thank you for you podcast. keep it up.

    God bless
    Asian Access

  5. Beckie Muirhead Avatar
    Beckie Muirhead

    What an incredible opportunity to spread the love of Christ! It’s so amazing that God can use something that has been so commonly used for worldly purposes.
    I love that you all are broadcasting new worship music (at least new to us up here in Canada) and I look forward to listening to more!
    May the Lord bless your ministry!
    Beckie Muirhead
    Medicine Hat, AB,Canada

  6. David Foelber Avatar
    David Foelber

    I just want you to know, that God has anointed you with power to worship…..I have longed to hear worship like this…..you are truly a Psalmist ministering to His presence……..I was blown away by this…….I burst into tears at work because it was so anointed……thank you……this is beautiful…you worship is beautiful…..your voices are beautiful….and it touches the heart of God…….thanks

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