[14] Pure Worship & Ministry

Welcome to Episode #14 of the Highest Praise Worship Podcast.
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The Highest Praise Worship Podcast is produced by Highest Praise Productions, Inc. in association with Worship International, Inc., a non-profit corporation whose mission is “to advance true worship throughout the world …”.

Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to Worship International, Inc. to help us cover the costs and time of licensing, producing, and hosting this podcast.

Contact: please leave your testimonies and comments below by clicking the “Comments” link.

The Show

Today’s episode is pure worship and ministry. I lead in spontaneous worship, discuss what God has been sharing with me from His Word, and do spontaneous, Spirit-led instrumental segments, allowing the listener to worship freely, and draw close to God.

This seems to be what so many have left comments and feedback about – that they receive a lot of ministry from this – so as a result, that’s what I’ve done.

For the Kingdom,


11 responses to “[14] Pure Worship & Ministry”

  1. Don Wortham Avatar
    Don Wortham

    Hello, Brother Fred.

    Thanks so much for this podcast! God really used you this time to minister to my spirit with the minstrel sounds of the beautiful tunes and heart strings coming forth. Just as inspiring as when you first gave us these “worship” podcasts! I was so blessed and gotta’ burn a CD. In Gm and GMaj, right. Played along with my Bb and G whistles. What was that last Chord? Wow! Awesome!

    God Bless,
    Don Wortham
    Midland, Texas

  2. Chris Gonzalez Avatar
    Chris Gonzalez


    Thank you for doing this pod cast, listening to them has change the way I feel, think, and act. Thank you for bringing me closer to God, it has rejuvenated my spirit and my hearth.
    I will share this pod cast with others so that they too may be blessed just as I was. Please continue doing this kind of pod cast. Thank you again, God Bless

    Chris Gonzalez
    Los Angeles, CA

  3. Really appreciate the podcast, especially “I Love You Lord” — been a long time since I lifted that one up. = )

    Deuteronomy 32:3-4
    I will proclaim the name of the Lord, oh praise the greatness of our God. He is the Rock. His works are perfect and all His ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong. Upright and just is He.

  4. Don –
    Hi my Texas Friend – Gm and G Major are correct, and the final chord is an “E”.

  5. Laurie Vanderkleed Avatar
    Laurie Vanderkleed

    I just listened to your latest podcast early this morning. My habit is to check e-mail early in the morning and I saw the latest podcast. Normally I wouldn’t lsten in the morning, but I felt the Lord prompting me to do so. Vern, Christopher and I have all been suffering from a respiratory virus for two weeks and we still are fighting it. As I listened and worshipped I asked the Lord to heal and strengthen us. We appreciate your podcasts Fred. They are such a blessing. Thank you for being obedient to the Lord by continuing to do them. They are blessing many people. We appreciate the way you lead worship in spirit and in truth. We are grateful that you continue to stay sensitive to the Holy Spirit. God bless you!

  6. Don Wortham Avatar
    Don Wortham

    Well, my ear hasn’t left me for lo these many years! Just keep being the Psalmist at the Piano. We, the Body of Christ, need this kind of ministry more than ever before in our history. There are so many hurting people that God wants to reach out to in This Day! Please don’t feel “silly”, and continue being just what God made you to be for them Thanks for coming out of your “Comfort Zone” musically and spiritually, as I know from experience how unsettling this can be at times. Never give up hope, my Brother, as some of us know now where your heart is. Pleasing God is ALL that counts. God gave you that gift, and I continue to encourage you to use it wisely.
    If God Be For You, who among men can be against you?

  7. Barbara McCline Avatar
    Barbara McCline

    Please continue to allow God to use you to Bless others through your worship.

  8. Chuck Jackson Avatar
    Chuck Jackson

    Fred, thank you for these podcasts. I am active duty and deployed to a forward operating location in the middle east, this podcast was a wonderful time of worship and drawing close to God. I pray that the Holy Spirit will lead you strongly in all of your podcasts…Praise the Lord!

  9. Hi There Brother. I love your worship podcast. Just one comment. My suggestion is that, once you have prayed, you go straight into worship and keep the editorial comments for afterwards. It interrupts the flow. Hearing that people are normallly blessed by your playing is not helpful. It pulls me out of God’s arms back into your reality. Stuff about scriptures and what the Lord is doing in you is great. By the way I am also a worship leader.
    Blessings and constinue!

  10. Just wondering if you were going to be posting any more podcasts any time soon? They’ve been fantastic, and I’ve really missed them!

  11. Moses Mitchel Slone Avatar
    Moses Mitchel Slone

    I just heard your pod cast i thank its great im from Hudson Florida Right next to port richey i live thirty minutes north of tampa!!!!!

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